Our Mission

  • Evangelism

    Our mission and the heartbeat that drives us, is simply this… Souls! Like the woman at the well, we know that we do not deserve His love, grace or even a single encounter with him. But, if he gave me a chance, then every person on this Earth deserves a chance to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! This conviction drives me to tears everytime I think about it and it has and will continue to drive me to the ends of the Earth!

    John 4

  • Training

    The job description of an evangelist is NOT to be a big shot rockstar with a fan club! It is to “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,”

    It’s our heart to train up churches, young people AND families for the work of evangelism whether domestic or foreign.

    Ephesians 4:12

  • Family

    We believe that God created family to be an image of God and a representation of Him on Earth. Families are tailor made for changing lives, discipling, ministering and leaving a legacy of Christ! I don’t want my family to have a traditional “American Dream” style upbringing I want them to see, not only the blessing and fruit of the mission field, but the cost and sacrifice it takes to be there.

    Proverbs 22:6