Matthew 9:37

The fields are white for harvest, but the laborers are few; therefore pray to the lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into his harvest.

  • Preach the Gospel

    Without compromise, restraint or apology we preach the blood of Jesus, the cross, the resurrection and our response to His sacrifice… complete surrender. We know that true freedom is only found in the repentance of sin and the death of self that Jesus spoke of frequently throughout the gospels.

  • Minister the gospel

    Salvation and the repentance of sin will always remain the greatest miracle of all but we strongly believe that healing, deliverance and resurrection life are all apart of the reign of Jesus Christ and when we proclaim His name, these signs follow. It is our great joy to administer these great and merciful gifts.

  • Raise up Evangelists

    As a part of our connection with Christ for all Nations, Macoby regularly preach at Firecamps, Bootcamps, Schools of Evangelism, Conferences and so on. The reality is, the laborers are few and we are looking for those who are called to be laborers! God has called us to pass the baton, train up and deploy leaders both young and old.